Frequently asked question

Our marketplace is a platform that brings together startups offering a wide range of products. Each product is crafted, produced, or sourced by passionate entrepreneurs who focus on quality and innovation. The categories include food, cosmetics, bakery items, artisanal food preservers, and more.

The sellers on our platform are startups and small businesses. Each seller produces their own unique products, ensuring that what you buy is made with care and creativity. You can learn more about each seller on their individual pages.

To place an order, simply browse through our categories or search for specific products. Once you've found something you love, add it to your cart and proceed to checkout. You’ll be guided through the payment and shipping process.

Currently we only accept cash on delivery as a payment method.

Yes, you can add products from different sellers to your cart and complete the purchase in one transaction. Each seller will handle their own shipping, so you may receive your items in separate packages.

Shipping is handled by the individual sellers. Shipping rates, times, and policies may vary depending on the seller’s location and the products you order. You can find specific shipping information on each product’s page or the seller’s profile.

Return and exchange policies vary by seller. We recommend checking the return policy on the seller’s page before making a purchase. If you have any issues with a product, please contact the seller directly for assistance.

You can contact a seller through their profile page on our marketplace. Each seller has a contact form or email address listed for customer inquiries.

After your purchase, you will receive an email invitation to leave a review. You can also leave a review by visiting the product page or the seller’s profile. Your feedback helps other customers make informed decisions.

If you encounter any issues with your order, please contact the seller directly. If you’re unable to resolve the issue, our customer support team is here to help. You can reach out to us through our Contact Us page.

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